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Lyrics & Music: Erich Arndt

Brendan Power- Vocals; Bill Brown- Bagpipes; Erich Arndt- Guitar; Gary Eurice- Fiddle; Jon Heller- Bagpipes; Rich Lipski- Bass; Tommy Leanza- Drums

This time you stepped a bit too far

This time you crossed a line

This time you set that mouth to running

One too many times

When there's nothing left to argue

You settle it like a man

Get on your feet you piece of meat

Prepare to throw some hands



Throwin' hands in the old way

Throwin' hands like the old days

It's been so good to meet you

I’d hate to have to beat you

Throwin' hands 'cause we want to

Throwin' hands when we don't want you

When words run out, no need to shout

Hey, that's what we throw hands about

That's what we throw hands about


Count yourself a lucky man

If out that door you walk

Upright and standing on two legs

With all the shit you talk

When they find you face down in the mud

The favor's been returned

When I knock that chip back off your shoulder

Your lesson shall be learned


(Repeat Chorus)




Throwin' hands in the old way

Throwin' hands like the old days

It's been so good to meet you

I’d hate to have to beat you

Throwin' hands 'cause we want to

Throwin' hands when we don't want you

When words run out, no need to shout

Hey, that's why we throw hands


(Repeat Chorus)

We've got this one fan, superfan really, who is a boxer. And Brendan our singer used to wrestle in school. So I kind of tried to put myself in their shoes and write a song about fighting. One time a long time ago in a bar in Hanover called The Franklin House I ran into this guy who just wanted to get into a fight. He went from one person to the next just trying to get a reaction. I managed to evade him but eventually he landed on the wrong guy and ended up on his ass outside by the Coke machine. I guess this is a song about dudes like that. Sometimes you get what you're looking for, you know? -Erich


When Erich brought this song to the band, I believe everyone instantly fell in love with it.  This song had a lot more of the distinctive Kilmaine Saints sound.  Plus, how could someone not love singing "get on your feet you piece of meat, prepare to throw some hands"?  - Brendan


This song is a great example of how a single instrument can completely transform a song. From the moment Jon and Rich wrote the bagpipe melody, it hasn't left my head. My goal with the fiddle was to add color without getting in the way of the pipes, so nothing overly complex or melodic during those parts. However, I'm allowed to stretch my legs a bit during the verses and the fiddle solo. The solo for Throwin' Hands is one of the more difficult ones on the album for me. The first time we played this song live, we accidentally played it about 40% faster than we recorded it. You can imagine how well that went for me...   -Gary


The best lyrical line of the whole album is in this song.  You can usually find me mouthing along at our live shows  – can you figure out what it is?  It had us all in stitches for weeks.  -Billy


Out of all the songs on this album, this feels the most "classic" Kilmaine Saints. I'm happy with the growth and direction we are taking as a band, but sometimes a basic street/Celtic punk sound with some chorus "whoa's" just hit the spot. I loved the collaboration with Jon on the pipe riff. He came to my studio to record and we weren't sure what to do. We looped the intro and Jon just played whatever came to mind. I picked out my favorite lines and we pieced them together. -Rich

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